
Mrs. Frank Crowell

The National Society Daughters of the Union 1861-1865 was founded by Mrs. Frank Crowell on January 9th, 1912. Mrs. Crowell with a group of friends gathered at her home to organize a society to honor the memory of the men and women who contributed to the preservation of the Union during the war 1861-1865; to render aid to the descendants of those patriots who laid down their lives for their country, to foster a spirit of patriotism, loyalty, and love of country, and to uphold the honor of the flag.  

After deliberation they proceeded to organize and incorporate a Society to be known as the National Society of the Daughters of the Union 1861-1865. Mrs. John Fowler Trow was parliamentarian; Mrs Frank Crowell paid all expenses of organization and presented same to Society.

It was voted to have the First Annual Meeting take place January 30, 1912 that being the anniversary of the day when all the states which had seceded, were reinstated in the Union. Mrs. Crowell called a meeting at her house the next day, January 31, 1912 to adopt bylaws and elect the First National Board of Officers.